Program settings
Program settings can be changed in "TpX Settings"
(in "Files" menu). The settings are stored in TpX.ini.
For the meaning of the settings used to set initial properties
for a new picture (like PicScale_Default) see
Picture properties.
- PicScale_Default:
Default value of PicScale
- Border_Default:
Default value of Border
- TeXFormat_Default:
Default value of TeXFormat
- PdfTeXFormat_Default:
Default value of PdfTeXFormat
- BitmapRes_Default:
Default value of BitmapRes
- PicMagnif_Default:
Default value of PicMagnif
- IncludePath_Default:
Default value of IncludePath
- LineWidth_Default:
Default value of LineWidth
- ArrowsSize_Default:
Default value of ArrowsSize
- StarsSize_Default:
Default value of StarsSize
- HatchingStep_Default:
Default value of HatchingStep
- HatchingLineWidth_Default:
Default value of HatchingLineWidth
- DottedSize_Default:
Default value of DottedSize
- DashSize_Default:
Default value of DashSize
- DefaultFontHeight_Default:
Default value of DefaultFontHeight
- FontName_Default:
Default value of FontName
- DefaultSymbolSize_Default:
Default value of DefaultSymbolSize
- ApproximationPrecision_Default:
Default value of ApproximationPrecision
- TeXCenterFigure_Default:
Default value of TeXCenterFigure
- TeXFigure_Default:
Default value of TeXFigure
- FontSizeInTeX_Default:
Default value of FontSizeInTeX
- MetaPostTeXText_Default:
Default value of MetaPostTeXText
- LatexPath:
Path to LaTeX (latex.exe)
- PdfLatexPath:
Path to PDFLaTeX (pdflatex.exe)
- DviPsPath:
Path to DVIPS (dvips.exe)
- DviViewerPath:
Path to DVI viewer (e.g. yap.exe). Leave this blank to use the default viewer
- PdfViewerPath:
Path to PDF viewer (e.g. acrobat.exe). Leave this blank to use the default viewer
- PSViewerPath:
Path to PostScript viewer (e.g. gsview32.exe). Leave this blank to use the default viewer
- SvgViewerPath:
Path to SVG viewer (e.g. iexplore.exe). Leave this blank to use the default viewer
- PngViewerPath:
Path to PNG viewer. Leave this blank to use the default viewer
- BmpViewerPath:
Path to BMP viewer. Leave this blank to use the default viewer
- TextViewerPath:
Path to text viewer (e.g. notepad.exe). Leave this blank to use the default viewer
- PostscriptPrinter:
Postscript printer to create EPS files
- PostscriptPrinterUseOffset:
Use offset when creating EPS files
- MetaPostPath:
Path to MetaPost program (mpost.exe or mp.exe). Needed for exporting to MetaPost EPS (.mps)
- Font_pfb_Path:
Path to Type 1 font (.pfb). Needed for embedding font into EPS
- PsToEditPath:
Path to PsToEdit program (pstoedit.exe). Needed for converting EPS to EMF or SVG (used for EPS import)
- PsToEditFormat:
Format for PsToEdit program for converting EPS to EMF or SVG (used for EPS import). Format can be emf or one of the better implementations (wemf, wemfc, wemfnss) which are available in registered version of PsToEdit. For SVG set plot-svg (free version) or svg (registered version)
- GhostscriptPath:
Path to Ghostscript program (gswin32c.exe). Needed for EPS to PDF conversion, custom export (latexcustom) and previewing PS and PDF files in Open dialog
- GhostscriptCustomKeys:
Ghostscript command line options used for custom export (latexcustom). Example: -r300 -sDEVICE=png256. List of possible devices taken literally from Ghostscript follows:
bbox bit bitcmyk bitrgb bj10e bj200 bjc600 bjc800 bmp16 bmp16m bmp256 bmp32b bmpgray bmpmono bmpsep1 bmpsep8 cdeskjet cdj550 cdjcolor cdjmono declj250 deskjet devicen display djet500 djet500c eps9high eps9mid epson epsonc epswrite ibmpro ijs jetp3852 jpeg jpeggray laserjet lbp8 lj250 ljet2p ljet3 ljet3d ljet4 ljet4d ljetplus m8510 mswindll mswinpr2 necp6 nullpage pbm pbmraw pcx16 pcx24b pcx256 pcxcmyk pcxgray pcxmono pdfwrite pgm pgmraw pgnm pgnmraw pj pjxl pjxl300 pkmraw png16 png16m png256 pngalpha pnggray pngmono pnm pnmraw ppm ppmraw psdcmyk psdrgb psmono pswrite pxlcolor pxlmono r4081 spotcmyk st800 stcolor t4693d2 t4693d4 t4693d8 tek4696 tiff12nc tiff24nc tiff32nc tiffcrle tiffg3 tiffg32d tiffg4 tiffgray tifflzw tiffpack tiffsep uniprint
- Bitmap2EpsPath:
Path to a program (like sam2p or bmeps) which converts bitmaps to EPS files. (It is used for including bitmaps into output graphics).
- RecentFiles:
List of recent files
- ExtAssoc:
Associate ".TpX" extension with TpX
- ShowGrid:
Show grid
- GridOnTop:
Grid on top
- ShowCrossHair:
Show crosshair
- ShowRulers:
Show rulers
- ShowScrollBars:
Show scroll bars
- AreaSelectInside:
Area select inside only
- UseSnap:
Snap to grid
- UseAngularSnap:
Angular snap (45 degrees)
- Mainform.Left:
Main window left side position
- Mainform.Top:
Main window top side position
- Mainform.Width:
Main window width
- Mainform.Height:
Main window height
- Mainform.Maximized:
Main window state